Time for the first one of these. Not sure it really has a purpose...just kind of me venting a little. Alright, so just to let you guys know my parents have always set high standards for me. Not in a good way either. They expect me to be perfect and flawless. Well that isn't a very easy thing to do. It pisses me off all the time. They are always saying "We dont care, so long as you do your best." and then, after I get a C on a test I get in trouble. And when I say a C, I will also tell you that it was after studying for a good 4 hours, doing practice problems and the like. I just made a lot of little mistakes that threw off my answers. So I did try as hard as I could. Well it wasnt good enough for them. I do my best and they just berrate me and yell at me.
It also irks me that I cant have anything to myself. I started doing tae kwon do, they try and get involved in that. I start band, they try and get involved in that. I get a facebook, they make facebooks and tell me I cant have one unless I accept them as friends and make it so they can see everything I do. I go away to a friends house for a day, they go through my room. They open my door. Go through my drawers and all of my stuff. I dont have anything to hide, I honestly dont. But just because they are suspicious does not give them the right to go through MY stuff without asking. I pay for pretty much everything I own.
I have more to say but dont have the time tonight to say it. Will post again soon.