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 Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -

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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyFri Sep 18, 2009 11:53 pm

Rios turned to Chasi, his eyes showing a white hot rage that he had never experienced in his life. He had obeyed the enemy, he had befriended the enemy, and worst of all, he had slept with the enemy. Rios began huffing and puffing, not knowing exactly what to do. He turned to the council advisor, not paying attention to Chasi at all. "Sir, if you are taking this vermin off the ship, may I please take over her rank as commander? I believe I have the right credentials, and I can even create modifications that will be needed to take down the Sotinoid race." Rios sighed, glaring at Chasi, as he turned to the advisor once again.

"I apologize for not following my primary objective, the reason why you had drafted me to this ship as a mere mercenary... If you need someone else to eradicate this... This scum, then please make sure to get another mercenary to handle the job... I hope you make the right decision in creating a different career choice for me, and if you don't need me here anymore, I shall return to my quarters." Rios stood up, before making a couple of rude gestures towards Chasi and stormed out of the meeting room and into his own, where he began destroying everything he could lift up.
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 12:37 am

Chasi grit her teeth, blinking furiously as the threat of tears came again. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she regained her composure and lifted her head again. "If I may, he is the most qualified on this ship, however he lacks intelligence. There is no need to draw it out, please do what you came here to do."

He rose and moved to her, removing the collar from his neck and putting it around hers. She felt a sharp current take over her body, an intense pain, but kept her mouth closed and face stony. "I only came to retrieve you. Since you were killed, the council has other plans for you now, dog." He lifted his hand, causing her to move toward him. At least, he would let her walk out herself rather than being shamed in front of the entire crew. "We have a little gathering waiting for you to address. Your crew await your word." He lead her out, each step causing agony that she refused to reveal, keeping her stride up with him causing him to smirk. Arriving at the cargo hold, she saw the crew members massed, confusion across their faces until they saw her coming down the stairs, approaching them, the advisor behind her.

"I apologise for this, but I am leaving the ship. The Council has need of me and I am required to answer their call. A new Commander shall be put in power shortly through the Council. You've all done well on the journey that we've had, putting in your all, and if it weren't for you all, this ship would never have been able to become what it is, after what it was." She bowed her head to them curtly then looked to the Advisor who simply chuckled and pulled her along on his invisible grasp. Chasi refused to turn back to the crew members, some of them had begun cheering, others complaining. She heard clearly the underbreath comment of her being a "fuckin' Sotonoid" and closed her eyes.

There was a small ship of the council's nearby which she was taken to, walking on board to be tossed into the holding pen, being forced to remain on her feet, in a narrow area, bound in against the wall. "We'll just let them know about their new Commander when we've gotten started here. Thanks to your glowing report of Mister Salem, it has been confirmed that he'll be taking you position. His help with the destruction of your kind will be... Invaluable." The Advisor grinned at her and she could feel the change in altitude as they began off, just before everything was adjusted.

She could hear the faint noises of the news being broadcast to the ship that Rios was being promoted to Commander and they looked forward to his help in the future. Chasi leant her head back gently, the collar still sending out its sharp pain spikes through her body that almost took her breath away until it finally did just that, Chasi collapsing out completely cold while held in the bay until they arrived at their destination, one of the Council Ships where she was taken on board into the testing bays to begin their work.
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 1:18 am

Rios stepped out of his quarters, wearing the new commanders uniform he had been given. It seemed to show off all of his muscles as he approached where all of the crew were standing, waiting for him. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems as though Chasi had made a big mistake upon coming on this ship. She has revealed to me and the council that she is part Sotinoid, our sworn enemy... With me running this ship, we will make sure to eradicate the Sotinoid scum off the face of this universe, saving Chasi for last... I wish to see her suffer for causing all of you pain. With me as your commander, I shall decrease your work hours, and lengthen your hours aboard the ship for relaxation. With me as the commander, the cargo will always remain safe. With me as a commander! You will have a strong commander!" Rios raised his fist, almost in victory as he ventured into his new quarters.

For some strange reason, it seemed larger than before, maybe because Chasi wasn't in there, maybe because there was nothing in it, but it was certainly bigger. "You... Get me the reports needed to repair the en--" Rios looked down, Chasi's bunny laid there in the little cloth nest created out of his torn and tattered shirt. He sighed softly as he turned to the person who was with him in his quarters. "Forget those reports on the engines... They will work just fine, I need several different reports, one on Rabbits and how they breed, one on how far a rabbit will roam from their burrow to scrounge up food, a couple on the Sotnoids and one that describes the council in excruciating detail!" Rios ordered as he stepped out of his quarters. "I need five people to go and find the campsite Chasi and I were last to search for a female rabbit, now! You two, start moving my stuff back into the room I was previously in, the rest of you, secure the remaining cargo... We need to get our commander back!" Rios continuously pointed to the crew, while taking off his uniform and settling back into his regular clothes, a shirt and his jeans.
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Female Posts : 592
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 2:17 am

Chasi floated in and out of consciousness as her body was moved into the Council ship and into one of the experimentation rooms. Councillor Dominicus nodded as he approached, looking her over then to one of the medical experts. "I want the normal tests done, let me know if you find anything wrong with her physical health. Her mental health doesn't concern me, anything other than duty in her mind is of no concern, it can be easily altered." He walked out of the room, indicating to his advisor to approach. "I want you to stay here. When they go through memories, I want you to take anything regarding anything actually useful. When they get to other memories, you are going to be placed in them over this... Rios. The less connections she had to that ship the better. We'll have to move her to another system. It was a good call by the way, monitoring the radios around the ship she was on. How did you find out that she had slept with Salem?"

"I heard Rios saying that Chasi had spent the night laying on top of him naked, rather cocky bastard he is. Gloating about it to part of the crew so openly."

Dominicus sneered and shook his head. "Well I will leave her in your care until we've done our tests on her. She has to be physically well before we attempt to increase her Sotonoid senses, she's far from prepared to be our weapon against them yet. Get her to feel them!" With that, he turned and walked out of the area, the door closing behind his trailing furs.

"I'll take good care of her, you fat pompous fool..." His voice low, beneath his breath.

"Um sir?"

He turned, long black hair whipping behind him. "What is it?"

"We've just run one of the tests you requested... As you thought, she has been with a man. However... It appears that it is only within the last thirty hours which doesn't match the time you expected."

"The time doesn't matter, what matters is that she fucked another man! Now get back to work. I want her checked for everything, all forms of human diseases, things that you find on Earth, anything that may have affected her. Check her bloods, internally, externally. Everything and everywhere. I want to know it all." He moved away from them as they began back to work, checking her physical body externally.
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 7:21 am

Rios was ankle deep in reports and paperwork, looking through the papers concerning rabbits and their roaming habits. "You two! Radio in the five people that went in search for the female rabbit, I need to find out if they have found out where the burrow is... If they have, make sure to tell them that they have to be searching in at least a one mile radius from it, rabbits will roam as far as that until they end up giving up." Rios continued looking through the reports, finding nothing else that was going to happen with the rabbit situations, so he continued onto the next report, the first of the Sotinoid history. He had found that they had first been discovered after the council had managed to snag one, two years after the council had been created. The tests that were made shown that most of their bodies comprimised of human organs, except for some fine tubing.

"Could you hand me that other report on the Sotinoids? Thanks..." Rios smiled as he continued looking through all of the reports, finding out the true origins of the Sotinoids, finding out that they were once a peaceful race, one's as smart as the people of Earth, and who could of easily overthrown them. In 2103, the people of Earth and the Sotinoids both agreed on a peace treaty, letting everyone know that the Sotinoids meant no harm at all. "The Sotinoids aren't to blame at all... They weren't allowed to injure any of the humans, and they stuck by that... No wonder Chasi was so trusting..." Rios continued reading, finding out the flaw in the Sotinoid treaty. "Hmmm, a woman was raped by a rogue Sotinoid shortly after the council had been formed.... This rape turned into a pregnancy, which gave birth to a hybrid of Sotinoid and human..... The only one of it's species.... Chasi?" Rios threw down the reports and picked up the reports on the council, and it's work.

His eyes and his fingers traced through the key points, letting Rios finally put two and two together... "The Sotinoids are being created in the Biolabs! They require every last organ we carry to create more... When one of our ships doesn't recieve the right quota of organs, their mission cannot be completed... They're building an army of Sotinoids... Those fuckin' bastards!" Rios picked up his radio, in hopes of communicating to the bunny search team. "Wait... If I communicate using the radio... Then the council will be able to tap into the messages and will surely expect us when we get there..." Rios stroked his chin, as he moved to the cargo bay. "You, go and tell the search team that we are taking off to find the commander, we cannot communicate via the radios anymore until the council are destroyed... We are gathering these organs for all the wrong reasons! We will take off as soon as I am completely ready..." Rios yelled, ordering one of his finest men to go in search of the small search party as he walked into his room, preparing for the battle of his life.
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Female Posts : 592
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Age : 39

Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 8:06 am

"I trust you're doing everything you can to save her Dominicus... We would be very disappointed if you made a mistake in her care." The council that stood before him, stared silently, their pointed looks made him shiver even via holographic communication.

"Of course. The council will not lose her, she made a simple mistake and we are going over her now, remedying what we can and replacing what cannot be fixed." Dominicus shifted his' furs so they sat neatly beside him, allowing him to stroke them for comfort, and in the hope that his lie of her being injured would be believed.

"And what of her memories? Something as strong as an attack will imprint in her mind and cannot be removed. Or are you planning to replace them."

"While it is true that certain memories cannot be removed, we have decided not to remove any of them, rather replacing people within these memories to overwrite them so her connections with the ship and the missions she has been on are lessened. For instance, there was the Mercenary of the ship, we have decided to keep her knowledge of his existence as the ship's Mercenary, however anything further with him will be replaced with memories of my Advisor."

One of the members of Council raised their eyebrow. "Anything further with him, you mean the sexual relations?" Dominicus simply nodded. "While it is unfortunate such a memory cannot be erased, perhaps this is the best course of action. And how does your advisor feel about such a thing, Dominicus."

His lip twitched, he was being carefully prodded for information regarding his advisor's questionable nature. "He is handling it professionally. There is no emotional attachment to her."

They looked skeptical but remained quiet. The head councillor nodded. "Very well then, we will permit this memory exchange. However, I expect that you will be handling the rest of the transportation to the Biolabs, then to another sector. If you find anything else, let us know immediately."

"Of course." With that, the meeting was ended, the Councillors' images faded. Dominicus leant back in his chair letting out a sigh of relief, then turning his head toward the area that Chasi was held in. "So they want her moved from my control huh... Not any time soon." Lifting himself from the chair, he caught his breath momentarily, leaning heavily on the table. One of the women came over to him, to see if he were okay, receiving a nod and a loud curse to move, she retreated back to where she had been standing. He moved from the meeting room heading to his quarters, stopping by the door to peer in on the progress with Chasity. She was still laying on the examination table, strapped down bare while they fussed over the images produced from her memory, the two women giggling between themselves and flushing, fanning their cheeks upon seeing some of the images and memories.

His advisor was on the table beside her, completely still as they ran the scanner over him, all physical data being captured for use in Chasity. "Arasyn, if this Rios is working on his ability to help the council eradicate the Sotonoids, he'll be looking at their data files."

"It's fine, they have nothing that can incriminate you."

Dominicus' lip curled. "There better not be." He continued to his room.

Arasyn snorted. "He'll be coming though." Was all he muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry sir did you say something?"

"Nothing at all. But can you hurry this up, I have somewhere to be."

"Of course, the Dolls are without equal."
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 8:32 am

Rios stepped out of his old quarters, and is he was successful in this mission, then they would be his current quarters once more, wearing a polygraphic alloy suit, created from some of the finest material the black market had to offer. It was a sleek metallic blue colour with numerous pouches for holding weaponry, which he had stocked with his usual pistols he managed to hide away before he had recieved the news of his weaoins having to be confiscated, his trusty blades, and a few EMP Grenades. He was armed to the teeth, and he was determined to use every last weapon he had on himjust so he could get back the ship's commander. "Sir, the engines are ready, we are just waiting on your word... Although I must ask... Why did you change your mind about Commander Chasi?" One of the crew members said, resting his hand on his shoulder. Rios simply brushed it off and grinned.

"During our time away from the ship, the commander and I got to know eachother... What started out as two sworn enemies quickly turned to becoming friendly foes who would fight by eachothers side, then to friends, then to the best of friends... And that's all I really wish to mention right now... If anyone needs me, I will be in the commanders quarters... Feel free to take off whenever you all wish." Rios smiled, walking into the commanders with quite a shock. Several of the crew members, all wearing battle gear and holding some of his weapons, staring at him. Rios chuckled as he stared at each one of them. "Let me guess, you all decided to help me in getting Chasi back, even though she treated you all badly, and the only way to do that is to kick the council's ass?" Rios grinned, sitting down at the commanders chair. He watched as each crew member faced him, smiling at first, until their guns slowly took aim at Rios' forehead, their faces became as blank as fresh paper.

"Actually, Rios... We are here because of the council... We cannot allow you to ruin their plans, so you can either come with us peacefully, or we will have to use force." One of the crew members grinned, taking aim to the dead center of Rios' forehead. "You sonofabitch.... I knew that there were crew completely devoted to the council here... But I never expected it to be this many... You have all betrayed this fine ship, and for what? Your own form of honour? A big promotion after the council has recieved enough organs? Or are you all just in it for the pay bonus? Either way.... You will all be going to hell.... And I suppose after I am done, I will be seeing you there..." Rios lunged forward, pulling out two of his pistols and aiming with as much precision as he could, slamming two bullets into the closest crew members temples. Four of the crew members siezed him, as one carrying a rifle walked up to him and cracked him in the jaw with the butt of the rifle, causing the muscle headed pervert to fall to the ground like a ton of bricks.

"How long do ya think he's gonna be out for?" One of the crew members chuckled as Rios began to black out, his blood began pouring out of his own mouth. "Don't worry... He should be out for a while... Now load him up into the ship... And make sure to blow this ship sky high after he is loaded onto the other ship..."
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 2:34 am

Arasyn stood from his table, pulling on his shirt and buttoning it up. He looked over to Chasi, they had given her hard sedatives, knocking her out for a longer period of time while they continued with their tests, alterations and upgrades. "Sir?"

He turned to see one of the crew coming over. "What is it?"

"We've captured Salem. He was plotting to come take Miss Dominicus back. The members that you sent to join the ship caught him in the act of preparing an attack on this ship to bring her back. We've had the men strip him of weapons and his armour, which was made from top grade council military alloy-"

"Which he likely spent his life savings on in the market. It doesn't concern me."

"Yes sir, he was certainly armed to the teeth. None of us were quite able to figure out how he had come to the decision to go after her when he had only declared hours earlier that he was going to wipe the Sotonoids off the map, leaving her for last."

Arasyn raised an eyebrow then lifted the collar before folding it down again. "How odd. It was only a little while ago that he was wishing she were dead. Perhaps we should let him see what he wished."

The man cringed a little, confused. "Sir...? I don't understand. I thought that Miss Dominicus was going to be kept alive?"

"Oh, she is. However, he will not know whether what he sees is real or not. After all... We have another visitor for him." Arasyn let a sly smirk touch his lips as he saw her move from the corner of his eye before dashing back behind the corner, hoping she hadn't been seen. "And I'm sure this will be a visit he has dreamed of... Only less bloody. Well then, I guess we should go prepare for our guest, after all ghosts have only so long."
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 10:23 am

Rios awoke in a small holding cell, metal walls surrounded him, except right in front of him, where three wide horizontal electrified barriers sat, preventing anyone's escape. Rios was stuck, as he stared at the two guards, who had been trying to wake him up for quite some time. "Wake up scum! The council has to appoint you some form of nourishment, so just take this and eat it, no questions!" One of the guards slid a tray of food through the bottom barrier, letting it slide to Rios' feet. Rios stared at the tray in complete disgust, it was a greyish blob known as nutrition paste, a famous last meal for the universes livestock. Rios dipped his finger in the paste, before lightly flicking his tongue over it, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Are you fuckin' serious? This is what animals eat before they are sent to the damn slaughterhouse! I'm not fuckin' eating this crap!" Rios slowly stood up, holding the tray in his hands and throwing it towards the electrified barriers, causing sparks to fly around his cell and out of his cell.

The guards looked at Rios and began laughing. "Yeah, yeah... Starve for all we care... Just means you get to miss out on the autopsy of that half Sotinoid!" Rios' eyes widened as he slumped down. "Hey! Leave him alone dammit! It's not his damn fault that you two aren't giving him a good enough meal! I mean, fuckin' hell... I bet even with all of the damn weapons you guys are carrying, he could take the both of you on with one hand..." Rios' eyes widened even more, he swore that he was dreaming... He had to of been... He was a mercenary, mourning the loss of his sister.... Not a prisoner on a council ship with his sister in the cell next to him. "Shut up you fucking slut! Eat your damn food, or we will be forced to bring in some more guards!" Rios pounded on the metal walls around him. "HEY! Leave her the fuck alone! She's right! If you two think you are man enough, fight me... Use your weapons if you need to, and bring it on!"
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 4:27 am

Arasyn touched the shoulders of the guards outside Rios' cell. "Mister Salem, how nice of you to join us. I must admit, I was a little surprised when you did such an about face when it came to your previous Commander. Saying she was, scum I believe." He turned and released the shoulders of the guards. "Now if you don't mind, I am a busy man, try to keep it quiet down here lest you wake the dead, again." With that, he laughed and walked away, the guards silent before turning and leaving, the look from Arasyn needing nothing more spoken. They had other things to attend to, and if they stayed they would likely be caught up enough to take Rios up on his challenge.

Arasyn waited for the guards to move past him then turned and leant against the wall, watching for Rios, and to a lesser extent, Jessica. She would only be around for a little longer after all. "Make sure the medical centre is cut off. The only possible way in is via the morgue. Get that autopsy in progress, then call me when Reyleen is awake."

"Reyleen sir?"

"Miss Dominicus."

The guards turned to each other then nodded to him and moved off to remove access to the medical centre and to begin the preparations for the events to come. They were a little concerned for the advisor but ultimately had no qualms about leaving him there no doubt to face a pissed Rios and his fists. But if they didn't leave, they might end up facing a fate worse than death, there was something disturbing about him and there were none with any sense that stood against him. He was the Council's best advisor, assassin and weapon, which they were hoping to replace with Miss Dominicus, at least against the aliens rather than humans as Arasyn was.
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 5:51 am

Rios gazed over at Arasyn, a flame of pure hatred willed his eyes as he became reckless, not caring for what would happen to him as he began pounding the barriers, bearing the pain as they shattered. Rios looked over at Arasyn as he stepped out of his cell, pounding his fist on the control panel which deactivated the barriers for the cell next to him. "Get lost kid... I don't want you to see this!" Rios looked over to the cell, not paying any attention to who was within the cell as he charged towards Arasyn, delivering a mighty uppercut to him, grinning as he towered over his foe. "Where the hell is she? And why the hell did you call her Reyleen?" Rios raised his closed fist in the air as he prepared to deliver a heavy punch to the nose. His forearm was quickly held onto, Rios turned around to see a sight for sore eyes...

It was Jessica, and after bearing through that pain, he knew he wasn't dreaming. Or was this just his subconscious playing tricks on him. "RIOS! That's enough... He's here to help us... It was what he done while I was in the hospital... I was never sick, and when I was drafted to this ship, I spent most of my time breaking their laws just to track you down.... Just trust me... He's an ally." Jessica released her grip as Rios stood up. "Listen.... I don't know exactly who you are, even though you do look like my dead sister, but you ain't Jessica... She's dead, and you're just some damn mental picture... If I close my eyes, then you won't be there anymore!" Rios closed his eyes and counted down from three, quickly opening his eyes and looking around, not seeing Jessica anywhere.

"Good..." Rios sighed as he turned around, bumping back into Jessica who had been hiding behind him during his counting, a classic move she would do during their childhood. "See Rios? I am the real deal! Now put up with it and listen to Arasyn! He has something important to say..."
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 7:03 am

Arasyn laughed. "That would be because her name is Reyleen. Chasity is just the name she's been given for this objective by Dominicus. The bastard is her adoptive 'father'. And, Mister Salem you have quite a pitiful attack for a high ranked mercenary. However, we're not here to discuss your failings in combat. Dominicus is holding your Chasi, my Reyleen, for tests in the Medical Compound. The entrances have been destroyed however, making the only way in, through the morgue. He has a sick humour, deciding that at least your body won't have to be dragged far if you're killed in the morgue."

Arasyn brushed his shirt down then began walking toward the morgue entrance, a glance to Jessica who simply stepped behind Rios again. "I will clear your way through the fodder waiting to ambush you in the morgue if you can bring Dominicus to his knees. Naturally, I would do this myself, but if you knew the things that he had done to her and plans to do to her, I may have some competition on my hands for his head. There is also that you may have been her... mate. As much as I loathe that you have done so to her." He stopped then walked over to Rios and threw his fist at him, catching his jaw in a quick snap. "Now I feel a little better."

Arasyn darted off, entering the morgue, his fingers lengthened and he jumped from one to another, slicing open their throats letting them fall screaming into a bloody mess on the ground. Wiping his hand on the body of one of the multiple dead, Arasyn walked back out Morgue and bowed, "The way is clear for you. Dominicus will be near the first examination room. And... I would avoid looking at the bodies on the tables... There will be one that you desire not to view... As I."
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 10:56 pm

Rios slowly began walking to the entrance Arasyn made for him. He was still rubbing his jaw from the decent punch that had been delivered by Arasyn, even he had to admit, he had a great hook. He stepped at the entrance, before cracking his neck and entering, quickly swiping one of the identification cards needed to access some areas within the ship from a fallen guard as he walked through the bloody mess, Jessica following close behind him. "Wow... He really know's how to clear a room... Doesn't he?" Jessica chuckled as Rios turned around, looking at her dead in the eyes. "I could of done it better in half the time... Wait... Why are you following me? It's dangerous here, and you are unarmed.... At least grab one of the guns from one of these guards and stay behind... You'll never know what we will run into." Rios moved forward a little, grabbing a pistol from one of the fallen guards. There was just enough rounds in it to wipe out an entire room, if he had dead on precision, and if he didn't get shot.

Rios stood before the door that would lead straight to the Morgue, as he readied the newly found pistol and the identification card to enter. "RIOS! Check this out!" Jessica yelled out to Rios as he slowly moved towards her. She was at the front of a large screen, displaying all types of algorithms and formulas for a new type of serum simply titled 'Berserk'. "What do you think it does?" Rios looked through the small amounts of information on the screen as one of the doors behind him silently began to open. [color=purple]"Well, it seems that it is a muscle accelerant... It is a small liquid comprimised from something called Salem, it says they broke down the liquid found within the test subject and found the right amounts of what they needed... The symptoms of injection are increased muscle mass, a complete form of recklessness, and..... perversion..." Jessica thought to herself as Rios closed his eyes and shook his head, before turning around and recieving a heavy uppercut, sending him flying into the screen.

Rios slowly stood, holding the pistol within his hand as he looked at the deranged guard. His clothes had been torn and his eyes were a dark red in colour. Rios chuckled. "Isn't it wierd that our last names are the same as the serum they have produced? Try and get one of those vials in a syringe for me, I'll take down this beast..." Rios grinned, taking aim to it's forehead and fired. The musclebound freak lunged back, then faced Rios once again, with a large bullet wound within it's head. Rios was shocked. "Alright... This is gonna be harder than I thought..."
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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 23, 2009 3:06 am

Arasyn yawned, leaning back against the entrance to the morgue, watching Rios and Jessica. Quietly he shot forward, behind the guard and put a knife-like finger through his throat, slicing across and wiping his hand on the body as it fell. "My apologies, I hadn't expected they would release these things quite so late." Arasyn bowed to them again. "Please continue on, I will be able to handle anything that comes from the back. And if you need to kill anything further, take off its head, generally everything in here has the ability to regenerate if it isn't taken off."

With that, he pushed open the door for the duo to enter. "Just be aware there may be a limit on your time together, and in Dominicus."


Dominicus paced around the medical rooms, they had under his command, made a clone of Chasi, not a live one as they had planned, but no sooner had it been birthed than it had died. But alive or dead it made no difference. He had his Dolls split into teams, some working on Chasi herself, while the others were taking the clone apart, checking pieces out that made her half and still alive. He grumbled as he heard the noises below. "One of you go deal with that noise below. It's giving me a headache, disrupting my work."
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#1 Bachelor

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Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 23, 2009 10:59 pm

Rios stepped before the entrance of the Morgue, as he turned to Jessica. "Hey sis... Get to working on one final vial of that serum, and a couple of antidotes, just in case I run into more of those freaks... They pack a good punch..." Rios held onto his jaw as he held onto the pistol, swiping his stolen card in the small control panel and causing the doors to open, guards swarming the entrance. "That's as far as you're gonna go Rios... Don't make any sudden moves." One of the guards yelled as they began advancing on him. "RIOS! CATCH!" Jessica yelled out from the mainframe of the ship as she tossed a small syringe over to Rios as he quickly injected it within himself. He instantly felt sick as he felt all of his muscles contract and expand. His eyes changed from his calm, serene blue to a sickly, caustic green. His teeth bared as he slowly grew a little larger, his clothes tore off his body as he slowly stood, showing more of a beast than a man. His breathing became animalistic as he glared at each and every last guard, cracking his knuckles.

He grinned as he picked up the first guard, tearing him in half as the blood washed over him. The other guards looked at him in complete terror. "Oh god.... He's a monster! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" The guards tried to run, but they were slowly stopped by the enraged and overpowered Rios. By the end of his onslaught, there was blood, spines and guts all over the place as one lone guard cowered in the corner. "C....Come on now Rios... Y...You don't wanna h...hurt me... Y...You want D...D...Dominicus!" The guard sobbed in the corner as Rios glared at him, helping him up and crushing him with a loud clap, each of the bodies were unidentifiable as Rios slowly began changing back to normal, before collapsing to the ground, and seeing the feet of someone approaching him before he blacked out.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 23, 2009 11:49 pm

Dominicus nodded as the Doll he had sent down had brought back the unconscious form of Rios. "Good, good. Put him just over there, beside her body. One of you go find Arasyn, it's time he learns not to break the laws of this ship. Those men are difficult enough to replace without having to find another fifty." He shook his head and returned his attention to the body of Chasi, a frown on his face as he approached it. "You are letting her blood drip out onto my floor. This isn't tolerable, clean it up! None of this is to go to waste!"

He grinned and turned back to Rios, "He should be weak enough after that little experiment to have just the bands keeping him still. Now let's try for a different formula here. The Salem worked enough to give strength, and an animalistic style of fight and blood lust. The trials we've done on Miss Dominicus here, have proved yet unsuccessful. But let that not sway us, we will have a successful trial and production. Get back to work on Salem, try adding a touch of her failed trials to it, see if it requires a secondary activation of some sort."

The furs moved around him, as he chuckled and moved back allowing his Dolls to get back to work, the new Salem solution had to be completed and he knew just the test dummy to try it on. "And hurry the hell up on Arasyn! And find that Jessica! Salem will do it one way or another."
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#1 Bachelor

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 10:31 pm

Rios awoke in a daze a few hours after blacking out, noticing he couldn't move his arms or legs. His instincts made him become alert of the situation as he turned his head to the right, seeing Sotinoids in clear tubes. He shuddered when realizing how many organs were being pumped into those things. His head then turned to the left, where he saw the dead body of Chasi. He became animalistic and started thrashing about everywhere. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER! WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS GOING TO PROVE!" Rios continued thrashing around, trying desperately to escape from the bounds around him. He thought of the great memories he and Chasi had shared, their talks of how nobody should be treated in an inhuman way, no matter if they were human or not. How they fought alongside eachother. How they braved the wilderness and managed to survive what it threw at them. How they shared their first and only intimate moment. The look on her face when she found the white rabbit. He broke down, not knowing what to do anymore as his eyes slowly turned blank, as he stared up at the celing.


Jessica and Arasyn continued running down the halls, Jessica holding onto an antidote for the Salem serum and a pistol she had managed to swipe off a fallen freak. "So, any idea how the hell we are gonna get out of here fuckstick?" Jessica dropped back as she shot at some of the guards chasing them both. "Fuckin' guards..." Jessica grinned as she took out a cigarette and swiftly lit it.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptySat Oct 17, 2009 1:21 am

Arasyn flicked a hand out, snatching the cigarette from Jessica's lips. "I do not enjoy having my air tainted by such a stench." Snapping the tip off, he dropped the cigarette then proceeded to clean the nails on his hand. "From the sounds of things, your brother has woken up. I'd suggest that you'd be best trying to find your way back to him as I've no doubt they plan to try out some further experiments on him, and if you have what I believe you do in your hand, then you may be the only thing that could stop him from destroying the ship while we're all aboard. Of course it wouldn't bother Reyleen or I..." He paused for a moment then shrugged.

Counting the lockers as they ran by, Arasyn seemed more than a little distracted. "Who would have guessed that your brother and his muscle-bound brain would have formed quite the attachment to her... Strange things humans." He quickly took off down the hall, giving Jessica a short but effective shove into one of the lockers as they went by out of the guard's sights. He would lead them away from the locker, hopefully she could keep her mouth shut long enough for them to pass her and climb out. In the mean time, he had something else to deal with, which a little human blood could certainly be useful in.

Chasi groaned, her eyes slowly opening. It was bright, blurry, it hurt her eyes, her ears felt like they were going to bleed with the steady beeping. "Ah, Miss Dominicus, you have woken. Are you feeling better?"

She blinked a few times, frowning a bit going over in her head how she had come here, and why she was there at all. Things were a bit fuzzy and she shook her head. "I'm just a little... Fuzzy. When did I get here? Why am I here?"

One of the Dolls leant over her, a hand to her forehead. "Your signs appear to be fine, perhaps it is some remaining shock of what happened that has caused your memory to blank certain parts. Your transport had blown up, you were lucky to have been saved."

Chasi simply nodded and looked down and screamed when she saw what at first looked like her body had been cut open. Blinking and rubbing her eyes she looked again. It hadn't been cut open at all, there weren't even signs of damage save for the scars she had always had. Her heart pounded furiously as she stared at the ceiling.

"We apologise miss Dominicus, the hallucinations are a side effect of the medication we had to give you to treat your wounds and allow you to rest. Let us finish our examination please."

Chasi simply nodded as the Dolls went about their business, checking her vital signs. One of the Dolls looked to the others who looked back with their painted faces indicating to keep quiet. One nodded then wandered off to find Dominicus.

"Dominicus? Sir?" She found him standing proudly at the foot of the bed that held Rios. "We've picked up a second life sign with Miss Dominicus."

His face turned red, anger raced across it. "You WHAT?!"
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#1 Bachelor

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature -   Worlds Collide - King and Tempe! - Mature - - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 10:18 pm

'This is it... I'm going to be left here on this damn operating table, starved and unable to see Chasi again... What the fuck have I done to ever deserve this? I know I shouldn't give up without a fight, but it's too late for that... I've lost Chasi, and with her out of my life, I don't think I can live anymore... Fuck emotions...' Rios sighed as he stopped his struggle with the bounds around his wrists and looked around. He heard the sound of gunfire in the distance, which seemed to get closer and closer. "No fuckin' way... Please tell me my goddamn luck is finally changing!" Rios looked over towards a door, where the bright flashes of guns blazing filled the corridor, before witnessing Arasyn and Jessica walk into the room. "Oh, you think we are strange? You guys look like freaks! It's impossible for any of us humans to talk to you without gagging on your filthy stench, which is apparently normal to your kind..." Jessica kept spewing nonsense about how the Sotinoids were as vile as a common human. "Umm, guys... A little help please?" Rios yelled out, but unsuccesful, as Jessica continued her rant.

"And how dare you take the cigarette out of my mouth? Your stench disgraces the air more than a little cigarette smoke..." Jessica continued on as Rios yelled a little louder. "Guys! Get me off of this thing! It's burning my damn wrists!" Jessica turned and glared at Rios. "IN A SECOND, RIOS! Plus, you always have to... Oh, hey Rios... Let's get you out of those restraints..."
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