It has arrived! After a long wait. Thank you for your patience my dear fellow poets. At last the 3rd contest. It has gotten a little harder, but let's see what it brings out of your creativity. Most importantly have fun, read the rules and guide lines. Remember this is a monthly contest, so there is a time limit.
Poetry Contest # 3
Dates: April 2 until May 2, 2010 (if need be it can be possibly be extended to May 10)
Theme: Ballad, you will want to begin with the ending of winter leading into the transition into Spring and its ending.
-Make sure the ballad begins with the ending of Winter and ends with the end of Spring.
-Description is a must.
-Make it clear and flows well.
-Minimum of 4 stanzas and no more then six stanzas.
-Nothing to crazy please.
If you have any questions or concerns on anything, PM either Ace, Mai, or Kae Kae.